Thursday, March 31, 2011


Early comments from the pre-readers  who have been following our "journey to bookdom."  Thank you, to all of you who have seen multiple drafts by now, for the willingness to try to see it all again through fresh eyes.Our current plan is to eliminate as many typos as possible between now and April 9, and submit the final version for sale through the Premium e-book distributor catalogs.

  • It reads so easily, so effortlessly, and from a dyslexic such as myself, there is no higher praise.
  •  I'm two thirds of the way through reading the book. It flows very well, and other than some typos, I think it's very well put together.
  •  And thank you for the pleasure I experienced in reading The Good-Bye Man. It flows along at a lively clip and immediately and smoothly transports back to those times and experiences. I recall that TTB had a masterful way of naturally selecting just the right words to convey his thoughts and concepts. Your book likewise conveys itself to the reader with an artful and soulful touch.

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