Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beau "Peepless" Kitselman

Alva Lasaile Kitselman....

Beau was one of Townsend's closest friends and associates  and. like Townsend,  his tracks through history are, nearly invisible. Appropriate for a man whose intelligence codename was "Sandcastle" in honor of the  thoroughness and speed with which he could create and erase full blown operations.

Like Townsend, "Beau's  brilliance was noted and reported upon at a young age. This son from a Midwestern barbed-wire fence dynasty was reportedly named as one of the five most intelligent children in America in a national magazine story on IQ measurement.  There were some differences between the two geniuses, however. Beau's mind was entranced with statistics, symbols, codes, and languages, while Townsend's was far more taken with measurable and observable physical forces. Nevertheless, something clicked between them. They were particularly tickled with each other's sense of humor, playing out elaborate Abbot and Costello routines for one another before proceeding through revolving doors.

The two say they met sometime in World War II.  Beau claimed that he spent the war in a hotel on the Atlantic coast, listening to foreign language radio intercepts while Townsend always told of requisitioning a hotel on the Coast for a U.S. Navy radio/radar school.  I believe that they may have met there .

I also believe that Beau was part of the intelligence network that William Ogletree described in the oral history entitled The Making of a Radioman.  Ogletree was put into a radio intercept listening post at the Cavalier Hotel on a special assignment for the FBI (or so he was told). We now know that, in order to operate his pre-war intelligence network in the United States, William Stephenson had to work with and through the FBI.)

Beginning in March of 1941, Ogletree reported that he often picked up late-night German-language transmissions ending with AL  K, an unusual sequence of letters. Mr. Twigsnapper (aka Reilly/Boston/Garrity) has said that the copies of these same messages were sent straight to Stephenson's British Passport Office in New York City.

But all of this is a bit of a digression from the story I started to tell about Beau Kitselman and his interest in time. The Time Teachers had its genesis in Kitselman's 1933 effort to to record and analyze the statistical outcome of 5000 coin tosses. As he says in the preface, he decided to make the boringly repetitive process a bit more entertaining by trying to guess the outcome of each toss.  He was astounded to see that he had guessed right more often than might have been statistically expected. He wrote that these results, and later experiments, established beyond all reasonable doubt that the average person can predict the near term future events slightly more often than random. What bothered Kistelman most, I think, was not that the best scientific minds had no way of explaining how such an impossible outcome could occur, but that they had no interest in discovering the answer.

After his persistent contemplation of the problem, he was eventually able to derive the "how"of it for himself.  Although he said the answer would be difficult to explain in words, he offered a rough metaphor of it. Simply put, it's the Russian doll idea: we live in nesting dimensions.  Our three-dimensional world exists in a four-dimensional time-space wrapped  in a five-dimensional something, and enveloped by on.  And thus, TA-DA!  Time is relative!

But that poly-dimensional math came later for him.  Before he reached those conclusions, he thought that the only way we humans could ever learn to use our precognitive ability would be by learning to master a "feel" for time's working in our lives.  When he realized that feeling could only be gained by quieting the inner noise, he found himself  on a sudden and surprising spiritual quest.  He was soon devouring ancient Sanskrit and Chinese manuscripts in the original languages. By the time he wrote The (undated) Time Teachers he had translated many basic precepts of Buddhism.  It is these enumerations that form the bulk of his manuscript.

Beau was to be an active and practicing mystic forever afterward.  We can trace his path from Buddhism through early Dianetics, (before he split with L. Ron Hubbard over Hubbard's intent to "sell" it as Scientology) and finally into a Hawaiian Huna association with the teachings of Max Freedom Long.

But Beau never stopped being a mathematician.  He develop early programming languages, ran the first computer lab for the University of California at San Diego and created what is referred to as "Kitselman Math." These formulas are believed by advanced students to be the key to replicating much of Townsend's work, and some of them are being applied in the various "citizen-operated" (as oppose to military-funded) R & D projects that are now underway.

To my knowledge, Kitselman's "time formulas" are not among any of the extant papers, but the watchwords for this project, are "Wait for it!"  We have learned that once a request has been formulated, the answer will come from some often unexpected quarter, sooner or later. The latest crop of new research resources was discovered by forum member Pladuim in, of all places, the archives of a West Virginia public library.  But that is another topic for another post.


Nate Cull said...

This is very interesting, Rose. I've seen the references to The Time Teachers on the forum but no details of what it was about until now.

From your description, I can see parallels with the work of J.B. Rhine (of Zener Card fame), who was doing very similar experiments at Duke around the same time - his Extra-Sensory Perception was published in 1934.

The reference to 'nested dimensions' also has echoes of J W Dunne's "The Serial Universe" which has a somewhat similar concept. I notice that Dunne also had links to aircraft engineering, though that was WWI. But of course the seeds of WW2 engineering began in the first war, as with Alfred Loomis.

I've done some dream recording work and my impression (only anecdotal of course) is that Dunne was correct in his general ideas about dream precognition.

Can you point me at more references for Kitselman's computer work? And are there any public sources for 'Kitselman math'?

A Rose...yada yada said...

Thanks, Nate for the lead to Dunne's work on time and dreams. Your precog dreams are quite amazing to me.

Kitselman's math is not in my hands, and I am not sure if it is posted anywhere for download. Perhaps someone who knows the answer will let you know.

The article by Kitselman on programming is referenced somewhere in a Comp Sci history bibliography, linked in a discussion with Wekasah on the Runway.

Yes, K. mentioned the similarity of his findings and the work of Rhine at Duke.

A Rose...yada yada said...

Nate, I have just gotten some clarification my answer above. The "Kitselman math" that is held by the The Brown Family archives, although not publicly available, is on loan to Mikado.

Nate Cull said...

I suppose I have to say that looking back at my dream journal, the two or three times where I strongly felt I had had a dream which was precognitive, it was just a 'feeling' and it's possible that it was just coincidence. These things are never clear-cut. And it's funny the things that seem to resonate strongly enough to be 'future echoes' - one I remember a few years back was about Batman.

Yes, I think I had a precognitive dream about Batman. That really makes not a lot of sense, does it?

But if Dunne's ideas are true and dreaming is a perfectly normal function which just happens to often scramble the boundaries of time and space, and we get this weird mixed-up set of images from all over... this sort of thing *could* happen. It's just hard to separate the signal from the noise.

Unknown said...

It's been awhile since the last comment but I knew Beau quite well in the late 70's, as I lived with him in his house in La Jolla. I worked on several projects with him and participated in many e-Therapy sessions in his large master bedroom upstairs. Two of his daughters were living at home at the time. I'd love to talk with some others about him (I have some of his work on Merlin that I cherish--we thought it might change the world of computing!). Call me at 858-729-8235 or send email to - Brett Hardcastle

Orpheo2 said...

I've just read this thread at the suggestion of Linda Brown and find it a remarkable connection to my own experience. I first became aware of J.B. Rhine's work in summer 1964, while working as a nuclear research scientist at General Atomic in La Jolla. Because of a greatly distressing idea I'd had at that time I visited Rhine at his Duke University laboratory for the purpose of assessing my sanity. "Not only are you not crazy", was Rhine's reply to me when I told him the idea, "but it is urgent!" This surprised and comforted me greatly, but then he handed me the telephone and said,"Here, call your wife and tell her you are coming here to work with me."

This was thus a sea change in my life and I began writing poetry. The research thus begun has morphed into dream work and I have developed a dream analysis method that describes four general patterns: 1. Transformative; 2. Motivational; 3. Anticipatory (I don't use terms like precognitive or prophetic, because they come loaded with other connotations); and 4. Traumatic.

I look forward to discussing this topic with those of you who are serious investigators.

A Rose...yada yada said...

Thank you, Orpheo2.

I have read some of your own blog and am very interested in your story. I think many things will be unfolding for all of us this year.

Le Fox has just put Beau's CV up in the registered viewer only section of The Cosmic Token. I hope you and you, too, Brett) will read it, and comment if anything in it strikes a thought for you.

In regards to his Rhine Type work I have found reference to the Cambridge Research Project 4610 that he mentions and will have something to say about that, later