Saturday, July 3, 2010

Transcendental Meditations

Blogger Steve Hammons muses upon a discussion between Jacques Vallee and his own source, a certain "Major Murphy:"
Vallee explained, "Now, the UFO phenomenon could be controlled by alien beings." To this, Major Murphy responded, "If it is, then the study of it doesn't belong in science. It belongs in intelligence." 
"Meaning counterespionage," Vallee noted. "And that, he pointed out, was his domain." 

Murphy told Vallee, "Now, in the field of counterespionage, the rules are completely different ... you should look for the irrational, the bizarre, the elements that do not fit ... Have you ever felt you were getting close to something that didn't seem to fit any rational pattern, yet gave you the strong impression that it was significant?"
This leads Hammons to muse. about the UFO phenomenon as it might be explained, if viewed seen through the lens of  Transcendent Intelligence:

Maybe this is part of what has been termed "transcendent warfare." The phrase was used by a Navy SEAL officer for a research paper about the U.S. defense and intelligence program on advanced human perception, Project STAR GATE.

The follow-on concept of "transcendent power" is meant to be one that is complementary to and synergistic with the military, diplomatic and persuasive elements called "hard power," "soft power" and "smart power."
This explanation feels strikingly compatible with the strong mystical streak that runs through the Townsend Brown story, from Kitselman's writings all the way up through many of the statements made to Paul, author of DEFYING GRAVITY by Morgan, the young man who was mentored by Townsend and Twigsnapper.  In fact, Morgan once said that there was a component of the Caroline core that could best be called a Shifted Dimensional Intelligence. In an earlier post, I talked about the INTS of Intelligence, such as HUMINT, SIGINT, COMMINT, etc. I completely forgot about OSINT, or Open Source Intelligence which is one of the newest. Of it, in regard to the idea of learning to access Transcendent Intelligence, Hammond says:
We might even consider that OSINT, though it typically refers to gathering open information from conventional sources, might also have leading-edge aspects related to unusual or alternative acquisition of knowledge and understanding. That is, greater perception by average people at the grassroots can include normal information gathering and more forward-leaning methods, such as intuition and advanced perception that have been identified by U.S. intelligence and defense programs such as Project STAR GATE.
By exploring these kinds of transcendent intelligence, it is possible that we can learn more about the many mysteries that seem to hold the potential for important discoveries.

Bravo, Steve! Well done!

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