Thursday, May 5, 2011

Circles in Thin Ice

Linda reminds me that the work which lead to the building of giant neutrino particle detectors was originally done as part of Project DUMAND.The Soviet group worked at the edge of Lake Baikal and the US project continues at the South Pole as Project Amanda. Perhaps the Soviet group  completed their 'scope in 2009 when these circles were first observed.

What's particularly interesting to me is that the two of us (Linda and I that is) were just talking about the "glitches" her father observed with his constantly running sensor network. These glitches always come in pairs: after the initial one arrives, there is another, much stronger one in an exact span of time.

As I reread the DUMAND documents, I see that they say, "... The second (decay) burst would be typically twice as bright as the first ($\sim 10^{11}$ photons), and both would be detectable at distances of hundreds of meters in the ocean." Now I wonder if Townsend's rock sensors were reacting to neutrino bursts?

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